Cake in Turkey
Cake for your event in Turkey
The culmination of the holiday is always the bringing out of the birthday cake, be it a birthday with a small circle of friends and family, a wedding or a corporate event with a large number of guests.
Our pastry chef will delight you not only with a variety of flavor fillings, but also with exquisite decor, taking into account all your wishes.
Popular fillings:
1. Pistachio-raspberry: vanilla sponge cake, pistachio mousse cream and raspberries
2. Mango-passion fruit-peach: vanilla sponge cake, cream on white Belgian chocolate and a layer with pieces of mango and peach
3. Three chocolates: chocolate biscuits, and three type of Belgian chocolate cream: white, milk and dark
4. Snickers
5. Napoleon
7. Honey cake
8. Red velvet
Our pastry chef will delight you not only with a variety of flavor fillings, but also with exquisite decor, taking into account all your wishes.
Popular fillings:
1. Pistachio-raspberry: vanilla sponge cake, pistachio mousse cream and raspberries
2. Mango-passion fruit-peach: vanilla sponge cake, cream on white Belgian chocolate and a layer with pieces of mango and peach
3. Three chocolates: chocolate biscuits, and three type of Belgian chocolate cream: white, milk and dark
4. Snickers
5. Napoleon
7. Honey cake
8. Red velvet